by InScope-AML

March 07, 2019

Version 3.0


New Features

Statistical Reporting: The statistical information displayed on these new screens facilitate the completion of the new F.I.A.U. Risk Evaluation Questionnaire. The first tab displays statistical information about your customers, broken down by services, customer type, risk classification, year on-boarded, domicile of customers, domicile of UBOs, nationality of PEPs and domicile of non-face-to-face clients. These are all requested by the F.I.A.U. as part of R.E.Q, starting from section 12.

Client List Reports: In addition to statistical reports, the new Reports tab in InScope-AML 3.0 also displays a snapshot of your client-base organised as per section 9.5.2 of the new Implementation Procedures which is currently in consultation phase.

Client Relationship Status: Rather than a Yes/No option, you now can define the client relationship status by selecting from five values – “Serviced Client” refers to serviced entities while “Not a Client” represents an non-serviced entities. Other options include “Terminated” to signify a serviced client who you do not service anymore, and “Rejected” refers to a client who you were on-boarding but who you eventually decided not to. The last status is “On-boarding” which allows you to create an entity that you are planning to service but that you have not yet decided whether to on-board or not.

Related Countries: Another new feature in InScope-AML 3.0 is the ability to link entities with countries based on relationships such as “operating in” or “trades in”, etc…

Country Management: You can now create your own country categories. This feature allows you to determine how countries are grouped together within various reports and gives you more control on jurisdiction risks.

Other Upgrades

Modified Search Screens: The Individual, Company, Trust and Other Organisation Search Screens have been re-designed such that the filters are hidden by default, making the information easier to read. You can now also search for entities by their internal reference number.

Legal Form: InScope-AML can now support different types of partnerships and other legal forms.

Multiple Profiles: InScope-AML makes it easier to segregate clients based on the entity within your organisation that provides the service. This can be useful if that operate as more than one subject person.

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