Other Technical Features

Using the most advanced and secure technology to access sensitive data about your customers from anywhere.

InScope-AML is highly customisable to adapt around your current operations with various deployment options and accessibility.

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Fully Customisable

InScope-AML provides full flexibility for customization of various parameters such as the definition of the various risk levels and the frequency of periodic risk assessments. You can configure different mandatory documents, different checklists or custom fields or different recurring tasks based on criteria such as the services offered to these clients, the related jurisdiction, PEP status, risk level, etc… This allows you to integrate your Enhanced Due Diligence processes into the system.


InScope-AML is a web-based application that leverages the latest web technologies making it easy to access the application from anywhere and without requiring any preinstalled software on your machine.


Security is applied across all levels using a Defence in Depth approach. Users can authenticate into InScope-AML using their existing company credentials based on Active Directory, Azure AD, or Google Authentication, allowing you to leverage existing access and password policies you are currently using, such as multi-factor authentication.

User Privileges

At an application level, InScope-AML allows administrators to configure different access permissions.

Deployment Options

InScope-AML can be accessed as a cloud service or installed within a local server infrastructure.


Administrators can track all entries and modifications made and view audit trails within the application itself.
