by Shane Mcmullan

June 24, 2022

Version 8.4

InScope version 8.4 is scheduled to be released to our cloud environments on 26th July 2022. On-premise environments will receive these updates at a later date and may be batched with future releases. The key items addressed in this update are outlined below.


Contact Details/Remarks in UBO List and Offices List

InScope have now updated the reporting function in the system to allow the UBO List and Officers List report to include both Contact details and Remarks, as seen below:

Face-to-Face Definition now includes Agents

InScope has also updated its options with regards to how face-to-face is defined.

Previously, options included ‘Highest risk Across all UBO’s’, ‘Lowest risk Across all UBOs’ & ‘Lowest Risk Across UBOs and Directors’.

In the latest release, this list has been expanded to include:

This will base the face-to-face status of corporate entities on the face-to-face status of all UBOs regardless of ownership percentage. This means that all UBOs must be face to face in order for the corporate to be face to face.

This setting will take the face-to-face values of all UBO’s Directors and Agents, meaning that only one of these needs to be face to face for the corporate to be considered face to face.

Real Estate Module Improvements

InScope’s Real Estate Module now includes the following Transaction List Report

InScope has added a report for all transactions in the system, as shown below. This report is filterable and exportable to Excel.

This is the only report for Real Estate Environments at the moment but further reporting capability will be added in the future.

Multiple Dates for Serviced Clients / Occasional Transactions

InScope has added new functionality to the Services screen within the system. In order to assist our clients in accurately reporting and recording services provided and occasional transactions, users can now add dates to services, along with recording multiple instances of services being provided.

For example, if a client would like to open a company in January, this occasional transaction service will be provided to the individual and closed off, with the corporate becoming the serviced entity thereafter. If this individual decided to then open a second company in the same year, this can now be clearly recorded and reported on via InScope.

This new functionality also enables warnings and rules related to the service to be disabled after the date of termination of the service. This is because serviced relationships drive a number of rules such as risk assessment scores. If you would like these rules to apply beyond the termination date there are appropriate options for this also.

N.B. If all services are terminated, warnings at the client level will only be generated until the date that is defined within this field.

Moreover, for environments using this new feature, business unit filters within the reports section are now based on the service dates associated with individual business units. For example, if a client was serviced under one business unit within one reporting period and another business unit within the other reporting period, filtering the reports by business unit will determine whether the client is considered to be an active/new/terminated client for the selected business unit.

Important: This feature is not enabled by default for existing clients since it will require an element of data migration or manual input from your end. If you would like to enable this functionality, you can do so as shown below or contact us at

StartKYC – Simplified Monitors

The final new improvement in this InScope version is an update to how StartKYC monitors can be applied if so desired.

InScope has added a new feature called “Simplified Monitors”. This feature enables you to capture more results (in cases where the source data is missing some fields) so there is a reduced risk of missing potential hits due to inaccurate/missing data in InScope or StartKYC.

It is recommended that users switch on this functionality if they want to be sure that they are not missing out on a potential positive hit.

This works by scraping the minimum required data in order to ensure that certain results will hit the matching threshold and therefore be flagged appropriately in the search results.

N.B. This may lead to additional results displaying that may not have been present previously.

Bug Fixes

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