Comprehensive Dashboards, Alerts & Reminders

InScope-AML provides peace of mind by putting you on top of all pending tasks across the whole AML process.

Get alerts for overdue risk assessments, expiring documents, missing information and incomplete UBO lists.

You can also set up daily triggers from external sources such as free EU/UN sanction lists and third-party PEP and adverse media databases.

Click here to schedule a demo.


InScope-AML issues warnings or reminders when risk assessments are overdue, information is missing, incomplete UBO lists, and similar instances.

Document Expiry

Be on top of expired documentation such as passports or identification papers by being informed in good time when such dates are approaching so that you can take the necessary action.

Free Ongoing Sanction Checks

InScope-AML automatically checks the list of individual and corporate clients against statutory UN and EU sanctions. Any full or partial matches are highlighted and presented to you on the main dashboard. Sanction lists are updated periodically, at which point sanction checks are re-run, providing ongoing monitoring.
